The first time someone sees a kumquat, they typically respond with equal parts interest and confusion. They see and smell a citrus, but the fruit is so small their brains aren’t quite sure what to do next. Peel it? Slice it?
We LOVE all types of citrus and are so thankful to live in San Diego, an area of the world where citrus trees thrive. We’re also thankful to work with amazing organic citrus farmers like Linda Zaiser at Rancho Del Sol, who we wrote about earlier this month. It just so happens that Linda’s kumquat trees are loaded with fruit and that fruit will be available for this week’s Daily Harvest Express Build A Box!
Kumquats on the tree. Aren’t they adorable?
How To Eat Kumquats
If you’ve never had kumquats before, you’re in for a real treat.
How do you eat them? Our favorite way (once you’ve rinsed them): pop the entire fruit – skin, seeds and all – into your mouth. Chew. Taste. Swallow. Repeat. Fruit this good and unique doesn’t require much fancying up, and there’s nothing left for the compost or trash bin!

Mmm, fresh kumquats. The later in the season it gets, the sweeter the fruit becomes. Right now, Linda’s kumquats are at the perfect level of sweetness!
As you’re eating a kumquat, note the sweet and sour flavor combination. Interestingly, the skin is the sweet part and the tart comes from the juicy flesh.
Yes, kumquats are loaded with lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. As you might have guessed, kumquats are especially high in immune-boosting Vitamin C, with a single kumquat fruit containing a whopping 13% of your daily recommended intake!
Kumquat Recipe
Want a cooked recipe for your kumquats? This simple baked Brussels sprout & kumquat recipe should do the trick, especially since we’ll have farm-fresh Brussels sprouts available this week as well! The only ingredient we’d add to this recipe is nuts – a handful of either walnuts or pine nuts would be perfect.
Now you know how to eat kumquats raw or cooked!
If you’re not a Daily Harvest customer, make sure to sign up now to get some perfectly-ripened, local, organic kumquats from Rancho Del Sol delivered to you this week!
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