We know so much more about the ingredients of our foods and what things actually do to our bodies than ever before, and with the internet, many many experts and gurus are happy to tell us the harm of eating this food and that food. So, it’s really up to us to make the right choices, but this doesn’t always mean the challenge to eat healthy is any less. Some of us learn the hard way. So we end up with more than just a few extra pounds from our standard American diet, and potentially real health problems.
If you’ve gone from eating refined sugars, unhealthy fats and carbs and changed your diet to mostly fresh fruits and veggies, you probably have felt the difference pretty quickly.
I’m not a picky eater, so I spent quite a few years of my life grabbing a quick bite, and really indulging in fast food & filling the sweet tooth craving-eating whatever was in front of me. I was overweight & didn’t even know it. I was tired, sluggish, and achy, and thought that was just life.
Joint pain, backaches, headaches, difficulty breathing, never crossed my mind that it was my weight, or my diet. Until I started eating better. As I said, not picky, so changing to eating healthy wasn’t difficult for me really, just meant I needed to eat what I knew was the right things.
New philosophy: look forward to eating new foods, healthy foods, after all there is so much more variety in fresh fruits and veggies than prepared foods. Hardest part was probably just cooking myself instead of grabbing a quick bit (not that hard though really). I took it one day at a time, and decided to look forward to eating a new way. I wanted weight loss, but that was not my main motivator, I really knew that my diet could be better, even though I didn’t think it was that bad.
Well, it didn’t take long to notice the difference. Walking around tired, sluggish ended quickly. Joint pain went away fast. I was blown away! You mean, this isn’t what being middle-aged feels like? It’s my diet? No way!
Was I imagining this? the connection seemed obvious to me.
Actually, it is. Eating foods high in sugar causes inflammation. The spike in insulin caused by sugar consumption causes a bunch of biochemical reactions that lead to inflammation. There’s also the fact that sugar turns into fat, and the more pounds you carry around, the harder and more painful it is to move. But the main thing here is that sugar itself leads to joint pain.
Refined sugars don’t just mess up your insulin production, they also interfere with the absorption of vital minerals, like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Ergo, joint and muscle pain and stiffness (Caffeine and dairy hurt your joints, too. I noticed this when I stopped ingesting both, same thing-inflammation).
You may be thinking that fruit has sugar. But this is fructose and not glucose. Fructose is processed differently, in the liver, and not the pancreas where insulin is produced. So, not nearly as harmful and you get all those good vitamins and antioxidants too.
So, for me, one that learns the hard way, those local and organic fruits and veggies are like medicine.
For more information on how to eat your way to less pain, visit Home Cures That Work .